Money just seems to be so short lately! You do well enough but with the kids extracurricular activities, rising costs at the grocery store and now little Jimmy is going to need braces, it’s getting tight. An extra few bucks would just cover that gap. It seems impossible to find somewhere to scrimp and you’re worried the bills may start piling up. It would be so helpful if you could just get a bit more to meet your daily needs.
That’s where Loans for Jewels comes in. You can get a loan for $1000 and pay just $2 a day to get some breathing room in your budget.
Imagine how it will fee to have an extra few hundred dollars a month!
Our process is simple and fast.
Just make an appointment to bring your assets into the showroom. We appraise your asset and make you an on-the-spot loan offer. You can borrow $1000 for less than $2 a day! Once you accept the offer and sign our standard loan agreement you get the loan, and we place
your asset is placed in a fully secure storage centre.
Make an appointment to learn more!